The dates, when converted into Unix timestamps and divided by ten to the power of the associated number, are scientific and mathematical constants. When there is a range, it is the range of possible values for the constant.
Constant | No formatting | UNIX date | Name |
h | h | 662606824 - 662606928 | Planck constant |
u | u | 166053760 - 166053786 | unified mass unit |
NA | N sub A | 602213310 - 602214030 | Avogadro's Number |
T | T | 273160000 | Triple point of water |
Å | A ring | 1000000000 | Angstrom unit |
n0 | n sub 0 | 268674000 - 268678600 | Loschmidt constant |
σe | sigma sub e | 665245839 - 665245869 | Thompson cross section |
W | W | 737750750 - 737750757 | Whittaker's constant |
e | e | 271828183 | Euler's constant |
R | R | 831444000 - 831458000 | gas constant |
λc | lambda sub c | 242631020 - 242631023 | Compton wavelength |
a0 | a sub 0 | 529177206 - 529177210 | Bohr radius |
σ | sigma | 567032000 - 567070000 | black body constant |
tp | t sub p | 539022000 - 539090000 | Planck time |
Y00 | Y super 0 sub 0 | 282094792 | Spherical Function 0,0 |
e | e | 160217684 - 160217782 | electron charge |
α | alpha | 729735275 - 729735341 | fine structure constant |
R∞ | R sub infinity | 109737315 | Rydberg constant |
Reading down the primary letter of the symbols gives "huNTÅnσWeRλaσtYeαR" or, somewhat more legibly, HUNT ANSWER LAST YEAR.